Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Written Report in Educational Technology II


Discussant:  Orias, Romeo Z.
Course, Yr. & Sec.: BSE-TLE III-A
Date: January 20, 2012

             1. To identify and discuss the cooperative learning
             2. To appreciate the importance of cooperative learning in the learning process.
             3. To classify the different components of cooperative learning


     Cooperative or Collaborative learning is considered as a key factor to achieve optimum development of the student’s learning.

Cooperative Learning with the Computer

Content:  Integrating the technique in cooperative learning to the learning style of the students has been practicing by many across the country now. The effect of this technique in teaching is highly commendable for students and for teachers as well.  The idea is to allow the students to cooperate and work with other students to achieve a great result in a common task.   


1.   Collaborative – The act of working together; united labor.
2.   Phenomenon – An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses.
3.   Cluster – A number of things of the same kind growing together; a bunch.
4.   Mythical – Of or existing in myth.
5.   Accountability – The obligation of an individual or organization to account for its activities, accept responsibility for them, and to disclose the results in a transparent manner.

V. Summary:
            Cooperative learning or Collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students who work together in a common learning task. 

            Because of the positive effects of this teaching and learning style for teachers and students, I will commend and suggest the immediate implementation and use of this technique. And for us future educators I would suggest that we use this teaching and learning strategy in facilitating the learning of our future students.

1.    What is the other term for cooperative learning? (2points)
2.    What are the 5 elements in cooperative learning? (in any order, 5points)
3.    What are the 4 advantages of cooperative learning? (in any order, 4 points)
4.    Several tasks should be assigned in order to ensure collaborative learning, what are those?  (5 points)

      Key to Correction
1.    Collaborative learning
2.     A common goal
          Individual accountability
Social Skills
     3.   Encourage active learning while motivating students
           Increases academic performance 
           Promotes literacy and language skills
           Improve teacher effectiveness.
4.  Assigning students to mixed-ability teams
      Establish positive interdependence
      Teaching cooperative social skills
      Insuring individual accountability, and
      Helping group process information 

Story Board:
Slide 1
Title: Cooperative Learning with the Computer
Discussant: Orias, Romeo Z.
Course, Yr. & Sec.: BSE-TLE, III-A
Slide 2
 Introduction of Cooperative Learning
Slide 3
 Singapore set the global pace for student-centered learning…
Slide 4
Reality therefore dictates that schools face the fact that each classroom….
Slide 5
The creativity of the teacher will have to respond to the situation….
Slide 6
Continuation of slide 5
Slide 7
Defining cooperative learning
Slide 8
Cooperative or Collaborative learning is learning by small groups of students who work together in a common learning task.
Slide 9
5 Elements of cooperative learning
Slide 10
Therefore not every group work is cooperative learning since students working on their work sheets physically sat around a rectangle table may be working together without these features of cooperative learning.
Slide 11
Continuation of slide 10
Slide 12
Advantages of cooperative learning
Slide 13
In addition, there are studies which show that cooperative learning enhances personal and social development among students of all ages….
Slide 14
Cooperative learning and the computer
Slide 15
Researchers have made studies on the learning interaction between the students and the computer. 
Slide 16
Continuation of slide 15
Slide 17
Continuation of slide16
Slide 18
Reflecting on this phenomenon, psychologists think the computer fosters this positive social behavior due to the fact that it has a display monitor- just like television set- that is looked upon as something communal.
Slide 19
Continuation of slide 18
Slide 20
Component of cooperative learning
Slide 21
Educators are still wary about the computer’s role in cooperative learning….
Slide 22
Several tasks in order to ensure collaborative learning
Slide 23
These are in addition to assigning a common work goal on which each member of the group will realize that their group will not succeed unless everyone contributes to the group success.
Slide 24
Ideal Number in a group
Slide 25
Closing Remarks of the Discussant


Ref:  Reference Educational Technology II by Paz Lucido

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