Sunday, February 5, 2012

A news clip about Sopa and Pipa

Posted on January 19th, 2012 by Carlo in Hot Posts
It is a vigil over the internet. Word Press, Mozilla, P2P sharing site, Download Sites, Youtube users and more big sites in over the internet is crying to stop the approval a BILL in US called SOPA and PIPA. They are also asking non-Americans to tell their relative and friend Americans to help the campaign. I would like to hep Filipinos understand this scourging hot topic.
What is SOPA and PIPA?
SOPA and PIPA are two senate Bills in US. SOPA means STOP ONLINE PIRACY ACT and PIPA means PROTECT IP ACT. SOPA and PIPA aims to make it difficult to sell pirated and counterfeit product from and to US. PIPA is the new version of Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) of 2010 which is said failed to passed to become a federal law while SOPA is the new version of PRO-IP Act of 2008 which was also failed to passed. Generally, it will protect COPYRIGHTS and Intellectual rights.
How will SOPA and PIPA do it?
It sounds good, right. But why people is very upset?It is Because there is possibility for abuse usage and there companies and organization like WIKIPEDIA will be in hardship distributing fre information which is a RIGHT for every Human Being.
Larry Magid give Hollywood and Silicon Valley as a concrete example of possible effect of SOPA and PIPAListing All SOPA and PIPA can do
1.    There will be blocklisted sites
2.    Internet Providers in US will be force to Block IP and web address
3.    Us government can sue any kind of sites if they remove the blocklist
4.    If our site has Pirated content you will be remove and denied from earning from advertisements
5.    Every sites base on US should participates in prevention of infrigement in compulsary
1.    Just like convicted presons you will be forever a convicted persons. Like your site if you are allegedly infringing websites advertisers like google can be sued if they transact with you.
2.    The U.S. Attorney General can now seek a court order that would force search engines, advertisers, DNS providers, servers, and payment processors from having any contact with allegedly infringing websites
3.    Private corporations will then have their own block list and they can tell other service providers to cut the service and shut down your site.
4.    PHow will Americans can be affected, if this BILL made a Part of THEIR Law?
Sharing Information to their friends thru internet will be hard and if you refused participation, they can be an allegedly enablers of infringement.
I Also remember the scenario in the Movie “Echelon Conspiracy” where every means of communication and every media connected to the internet can be use to track YOU!
How will Non-Americans be affected?
It could slow down transaction and we could be participating by putting anti-piracy ad in your site
How will Philippines be affected, in case?
If SOPA and PIPA will be in the Philippine’s Senate, it likely to be a “CYBER MARTIAL LAW”. I am sure everybody knows martial law during the regime of President Marcos. Imagine how many web services based in US. That huge will be the effect for the cyber people or netizen including Filipinos in the Philippines
Even as of now there are HUGE sites blacking out to protest PIPA and SOPA
There are Blackout Campaign against SOPA and PIPA all over the internet. Do you think non-americans should Participates? I think we should atlest for the campaign suggesting blackout on January 18, 2012.

My Reflection about SOPA and PIPA
Over the years, technology as well as the internet plays a vital role in our every day lives. Admit it or not, internet has a great impact on us. Every thing that we want to know is just a click a way, the information is easily available any time any where now, for as long as there is an internet connection and a computer of course. Now about the censorship when it comes to information, videos and pictures across the world.  It creates a negative reaction from the users of the internet. Especially the social networking sites like Face book, twitter and the like.

Imagine your personal messages to your significant others will be read by any one and then delete it or remove it any time he please just because for him it’s indecent. I could not barely imagine our lives with out the internet. Internet makes our lives easier.

            But at the back of my mind sub-consciously, I feel bad for the local and international industry that are affected of the piracy of videos and music. Like for instance the music industry who actually claimed a tremendous lost in their profits because music and videos now days are easily downloadable. I guess if the propose censorship prosper and materialized, I guess all they have do is to invent a program where in any one who wish to get or pirate a certain music or video, he/she won’t be able to download any music and videos of certain out-fit with out permission. in this way the music and film industry will be spare from this piracy.  Just hands off on the social networking sites.  

            Let us help one another, let us respect the property rights of others. There is nothing wrong with the internet. Let us inculcate in our minds that, we have to be a responsible users of this technology.

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